Institute of Physics
University of Latvia

IPUL-MHD Fifth Framework Project

Workpackage No 5

Work package number and title:

5. Twining of IPUL with MHD department at Forschungszentrum Rossendorf (Germany)

Type of activity: Twining with FZ-Rossendorf (Germany) (CO)

Relative start month: 3
Timetable: 33 months


  1. The research field of MagnetoHydroDynamics (MHD) has recently received a substantial national funding in Germany. Beginning with the year 2002 the German Research Association (DFG) has set up in Dresden the Collaborative Research Center 609, entitled “Electromagnetic Flow Control in Metallurgy, Crystal Growth and Electrochemistry". There is already a long-term intensive cooperation between Riga and Dresden in this field, including joint industrial and scientific projects, exchange of young researchers, and the joint participation in European projects. Aim of this measure is to set up a framework for coordination of research activities and development scientific collaboration between IPUL and MHD department at Forschungszentrum Rossendorf (FZR).

[Institute of Physics of University of Latvia, 2003]