Institute of Physics
University of Latvia
IPUL-MHD Fifth Framework Project
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Workpackage No 6
Work package number and title:
6. Development and verification of problem-oriented
numerical models of turbulence for the Czochralski large single crystal growth
systems with static and alternating magnetic fields
Type of activity: Postdoctoral training
Relative start month: 11 month
Timetable: 18 months
- The group in mathematical modelling of crystal
growth at Latvia University has a wide experience in calculating turbulent
flows in Czochralski large single crystal growth systems with static and
alternating magnetic fields by using various low-Re variants of k-ε model.
With used turbulence models the main features of such flows can be predicted
in general satisfactory. However, the melt flow in CZ Systems, especially
in region under the crystal that is very important for crystal growth quality,
have some specific features that can not be described sufficiently precise
with presently available axisymmetric k-ε models. On the other hand the large
eddy simulation for industrial applications is impracticable. For the further
development of present low-Re variants of k-e model following aspects must
be investigated: a) specific features of turbulence in rotating systems; b)
buoyancy generated turbulence; c) direct influence of magnetic fields on
turbulence; d) modelling of large time scale instabilities with axisymmetric
steady state models. Aim of this package is the development and verification
of problem oriented axisymmetric numerical model of turbulence for the Czochralski
large single crystal growth systems with static and alternating magnetic fields.
[Institute of Physics of University of Latvia, 2003]